2nd Prague Symposium on Cancer Metabolism
October 20, 2021, Prague, Czech Republic

October 20, 2021 (Wednesday)
9:00am – 4:30pm (concluded by a social evening 6:30pm – 11:00pm)

Small Lecture Hall at the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University; from
Nemocnice Motol metro exit straight through the courtyard of Motol hospital,
enter glass door of FN Motol HQ, use elevator on the right to go to the -1 floor

Prague Symposium on Cancer Metabolism is an international event organized
by CLIP – Childhood Leukaemia Investigation Prague at the Second Faculty of
Medicine, Charles University. We aim to gather scientists from the research
field of cellular and cancer metabolism. We believe that this unique event will
be appreciated by the research community, will create opportunities for
scientists and others to embrace the new topic and will set up a suitable
environment for networking and establishing new collaborations. You can
expect invited speakers from the field of cancer metabolism from the Czech
Republic and abroad. The participants are encouraged to submit abstracts and
will be given the opportunity to present their research in the form of oral
presentation or poster.

Keynote speaker: Daniel A Tennant (University of Birmingham)
Invited speakers (in alphabetical order): Jaromír Gumulec (MU, Brno) Petr
Heneberg (3LF UK), Kateřina Hložková (2LF UK), Jiří Neužil (BTÚ AV ČR);
Kateřina Rohlenová (BTÚ AV ČR); Jaroslav Truksa (BTÚ AV ČR)
The symposium will be held under the aegis of the Second Faculty of Medicine,
Charles University and Czech Society for Analytical Cytometry.
We are looking forward to seeing you all.
On behalf of the organization committee,
Júlia Starková (@email)

Registration and abstract submission: https://www.csac.cz/en/cancer-metabolism-2021

Vytvořeno: 5. 10. 2021 / Upraveno: 5. 10. 2021 / Odpovědná osoba: Administrátor