LMG - Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
Jan Trka
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 580
- Graduated of 2nd Faculty of Medicine and then got his PhD in Molecular Genetics; has worked in Austria and as a postdoc in the UK (Bristol)
- position: head of CLIP, specialises in molecular genetics
- has an interest in the genesis and development of the leukaemic clone, genetic-based stratification of childhood acute leukaemias and minimal residual disease
- would probably still remember the 1990’s lab methods
- motivation: is with CLIP because, well, he co-founded it!
Jan Zuna
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 580
- majored in Genetics at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, where he also stayed for his doctoral studies. Went on to be a postdoc in London,UK.
- position: principal investigator
- has an interest in the origin, development and death of the leukaemic clone, in secondary malignancies, residual disease, genes such as TEL/AML1, BCR/ABL, TEL/ABL and MLL/anything
- works at a computer (nearly all the time) and loves it (sometimes, that is) and thinks he might still be able to find his way to the lab
- motivation: they turned him away at FC Slavia Prague
Júlia Starková
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 421
- graduate of Faculty of Science in Košice; got her PhD in Genetics at CLIP
- worked as postdoc in the US.
- position: principal investigator
- interested in L-asparaginase, role of HOX genes in leukaemias, epigenetics
- uses cell cultures, cloning, qPCR, western blot, lucipherase assay
- motivation: lives across the street
Eva Froňková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 489
- graduate of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and postgraduate studies in Cell Biology and Pathology at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University
- project leader / principal investigator
- she is interested in recombination of immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell receptor (TCR) genes in lymphocytes, its role and possible application in lymphoid malignancies, immunodeficiencies and immune dysregulation
- dedicated to developing new methods for monitoring minimal residual disease using next-generation sequencing (NGS) and introducing new approaches to the diagnosis of rare diseases of the hematopoietic and immune systems
- motivation: dr. Stuchlý brews the best tea in the country
Ludmila Boublíková
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 421
- graduate of First Faculty of Medicine, Charles Universtiy; got her PhD in Molecular Medicine at Trinity College, Dublin
- position: principal investigator
- not interested in anything anymore, but occasionally tries to escape from oncologic patients to oncogenic molecular aberrations
- works with molecular-biologic techniques and, occasionally, other different methods, as well as with a whole lot of people, whom she kindly and insistently asks to work for her - and for the benefit of humankind
- motivation: sheer curiosity as to what it’s all about
Markéta Kubričanová Žaliová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 580
- graduate of Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University; got her PhD in molecular genetics at CLIP; worked as a postdoc in Kiel (ALL BFM study centre, Germany)
- principal investigator
- interested in genetic aberrations of childhood ALL, their biological role and their potential use in classification, risk assessment and targeted therapy of ALL
- is responsible for routine molecular-genetic diagnostics of childhood AML and advanced molecular-genetic diagnostics of childhood ALL (SNParray, WES, RNAseq, targeted PCR)
Karolina Škvárová Kramarzová
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 421
- graduate of Faculty of Science (M.Sc.) and Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (PhD); worked at University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute
- position: junior principal investigator
- interested in gene therapy and gene editing (CRISPR-Cas9 etc.)
- uses gene editing, qPCR, cloning and mutation analysis
- motivation: doesn’t have to get up early for this work
Lucie Winkowska
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 580
- graduate of Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague and postgradual studies at the same university
- position: researcher at CLIP
- interested in almost everything related to NGS
- prepares libraries for NGS and single cell NGS and also takes care of NextSeq
- motivation: wants to find out what all the abbreviations that everyone uses mean
Kateřina Hložková
@email; tel.: (+420) 257 296 421
- graduate of University of Chemistry and Technology (General and Applied Biochemistry) where she also stayed for her PhD ; internship at Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, University of Birmingham
- position: junior principal investigator
- interested in L-asparaginase, cancer metabolism and trying new methods
- prefers stable isotope tracing but also have to use cloning, lentiviruses, western blots, Seahorse, qPCR and other methods
- motivation: to uncover the secret of post-PCR
Lucie Peterková
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 420
- graduate of University of Chemistry and Technology (General and Applied Biochemistry)
- postdoc in CLIP
- interested in cells and gene editing
- works with cells, nucleofection and CRISPR/Cas9
- motivation: she is in CLIP because it is close to the swimming pool
Violeta Bakardjieva-Mihaylova
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 422
- graduate of the Faculty of Science, Charles University
- motivation: there is always enough chocolate here
Fatemeh (Nadia) Alaei Faradonbeh
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 422
- graduate of Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles University; got her PhD in Medical Pharmacology; worked as a postdoc in IOCB (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
- postdoc in CLIP
- interested in cancer metabolism, in vivo drug testing, bone marrow microenvironment (Confocal Microscopy)
- motivation: she favoured working in CLIP over enjoying persian food and sweets back home. If this is not love, she knows nothing.
Andrea Rennerová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 489
- graduate of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering and graduate of the University of Chemistry and Technology
- position: researcher at CLIP
- interested in: next-generation sequencing (NGS), analysis of immunodeficient patient data
- motivation: a lot of fun in CLIP
Antónia Gibalová
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 420
- graduate of the Faculty of Science, Košice and postgradual studies at Institute of Experimental Botany of Czech Academy of Sciences
- position: researcher at CLIP
- interested in: leukaemia metabolism and how to utilise it for treatment
- works with cell cultures, metabolic assays, cytometer and lots of nice and inspiring people
- motivation: she's always wanted to be in a good clip ☺
Lenka Hovorková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 584
- graduate of the Faculty of Science, Charles University
- position: PhD student, IT geek
- interested in BCR/ABL positive leukaemias
- works with LT-PCR, electrophoresis, R, Linux and now also with her baby boy
- motivation: wants to know what’s behind all the doors without handle
Markéta Racková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 584
- graduate of Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (clinical intership in Pediatric Department in Carlsbad Hospital)
- position: PhD student
- interested in gene therapy and methods of gene editing, especially CRISPR-Cas9
- motivation: finally has found her tallness group here, no more standing out
Laura Matoušková
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 422
- graduate of Faculty of Science, Charles Univesity, Department of Anthropology and Human Genetics
- position: PhD student
- interested in testicular tumors and gene editing
- motivation: loves riding the Metro from one terminal station to the other
Kristýna Šoffrová
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 422
- graduate of Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
- position: PhD student
- interested in neuroblastoma and methods of gene editing
- motivation: was drawn to CLIP by accident and is happy about it now
Matúš Kolárik
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 422
- graduate of Faculty of Science, Charles Univesity, Department of Biochemistry
- position: PhD student
- interested in cancer metabolism
- motivation: curious whether he can move a laboratory into a modular cabin
Vojen Sadílek
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 585
- graduate of Second Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science, Charles Univesity (Immunology)
- position: PhD student
- interested in data from single-cell sequencing methods
- motivation: at CLIP, they let him play on a PC
Barbora Dvořáková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 585
- graduate of Faculty of Science, Charles Univesity, Department of Anthropology and Human Genetics and of Faculty of Education, Charles University
- interested in BCR/ABL positive leukaemias
- motivation: children at school are very noisy, but here at CLIP, only the beeping of the freezers can disturb her
Anna Chaloupecká
@email, tel.: (+420) 257 296 422
- graduate of University of Chemistry and Technology (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
- position: PhD student
- interested in cancer metabolism
- motivation: people who don't work there recommended it to her
Daniel Dulla
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 585
- graduate of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
- position: PhD student
- interested in gene rearrangements for lymphocyte receptors in autoimmune diseases and leukaemia
- motivation: happily stumbled upon CLIP after heading west on planet Motol
Leona Rezková Řezníčková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of Faculty of Sciences, Charles University
- Certification in Haematology and blood transfusion
- position: head lab technician
- interested in minimal residual disease in leukamias, next generation sequencing (NGS), accreditation duties
- works with a computer, with documents of all kinds, sometimes even grabs a pipette
- motivation: she is a part of the inventory and so far, she hasn´t been written off...
Taťána Valová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno
- position: lab technician
- interested in monitoring minimal residual disease
- works with qPCR, nucleic acid isolation
- motivation: awesome view from the lab window
Petra Rácová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
- position: lab technician
- responsible for processing the patient samples for minimal residual disease monitoring
- motivation: CLIP is pipette's throw from her home
Veronika Perašínová
- graduate of the Secondary Medical School, Prague
- position: lab technician
- interested in minimal residual disease in leukamias, MLL gene rearrangements
- works with qPCR, nucleid acid isolation
- motivation: used to think that MLL was short for Major League Lacrosse
Kristýna Brabcová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of polytechnology in Prague
- position: lab technician
- interested in monitoring minimal residual disease
- works with qPCR, nucleic acid isolation
- motivation: loves having her picture on the CLIP website
Kristýna Zavadilová
@email,, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of Faculty of Science, Charles University
- position: lab technician
- interested in monitoring minimal residual disease in leukemias
- examines relevant fusion genes, works with qPCR, performs isolation of nucleic acids
- motivation: wants to learn medical terminology
Karolína Šilhová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of Laboratory Diagnostics in Healthcare at Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University Prague
- position: lab technician
- interested in monitoring minimal residual disease
- works with qPCR, performs isolation of nucleic acids
- motivation: is only satisfied with the very best
Daniela Baumgartnerová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno
- position: lab technician
- interested in monitoring minimal residual disease
- works with qPCR, performs isolation of nucleic acids
- motivation: gets to meet a lot of smart and funny people
Lenka Bendová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, CTU, major in Laboratory Diagnostics in Healthcare
- laboratory technician at CLIP
- she is interested in monitoring minimal residual disease
- works with qPCR, performs nucleic acid isolation
- she is in CLIP because she was told she would have her name on the door
Eva Vyšatová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of University of Chemistry and Technology (Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology)
- laboratory technician at CLIP
- she is interested in monitoring minimal residual disease
- works with qPCR, performs nucleic acid isolation
Marie Sobociková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 580
- graduate of Faculty of Science, Charles University
- assistant to professor Trka
- administrative support at CLIP
- motivation: she enjoys it at CLIP
CLIP - Laboratory of Flow Cytometry
Ondřej Hrušák
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 477
- graduate of 2nd Faculty of Medicine, CU and doctoral programme in immunology; has worked in the US
- position: head of cytometry lab
- holds board certification in clinical immunology and allergology
- interested in genesis, development and immunological diagnostics of leukaemia
- though interested in other areas of immunology
- motivation: is a cofounder; also, CLIP is within the biking/skiing distance
Tomáš Kalina
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 487
- graduate of 2nd Faculty of Medicine, CU; holds PhD in immunology; has worked at FHCRC, Seattle, USA
- position: principal investigator
- interested in all aspects of flow cytometry, antibody validation, immune dysregulation and immunodeficiency, development and deficits of B-cells, leukaemia phenotyping and leukaemogenesis, immunity reconstitution, advanced analyses of cytometric data
- motivation: he’s grown fond of it in each and every way and finds working here quite pleasant
Ester Mejstříková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 477
- graduate of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, CU; holds PhD in immunology; her PhD thesis’ topic was Immunological diagnostics and monitoring of treatment response in childhood haematological malignancies
- position: principal investigator
- interested in diagnostics of childhood haematological and immunological disorders and development of blood elements in bone marrow in relationship to plasticity and maturity of leukaemic cells
- works with computers and their peripherals, i.e. flow cytometers
- motivation: can do 12 hour shifts every day
Veronika Kanderová
- graduate of Faculty of Science, CU; holds PhD in immunology from CLIP
- position: postdoc
- holds certification in allergy and clinical immunology; participates in the diagnosis of immune disorders
- interested in proteomics and phosphoproteomics in leukaemias and primary immunodeficiencies
- works with polychromatic flow cytometry and with immunologic tests, likes cultivation and stimulation of cell cultures
- motivation: apparently, the cytometer laser beams will keep her young forever
Michaela Reiterová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 477
- graduate of 2nd Faculty Of Medicine, CU
- position: postdoc
- studies mechanisms of bone marrow failure, immunophenotyping of leukemia, minimal residual disease and technical aspects of cytometry
- works with flow cytometry including spectral cytometry
- motivation: wants to create a record in clicking using a PC mouse
Naděžda Brdičková
@email, tel: (+420) 224 436 585
- PhD in immunology (Faculty of Science, Charles University and Institute of Molecular genetics, Academy of Sciences)
- worked at UCSF, USA as a postdoc
- takes care of the EuroFlow Quality Assessment project. Interested in thymocyte development and also in new cytometric probes.
- motivation: great people, meaningful work
Martina Vášková
@email, tel: (+420) 224 436 477
- graduate of Faculty of Science, Charles University and postgradual studies at CLIP
- responsible for operation management of diagnostics in CLIP-cytometry department
- interested in immunophenotyping of leukemia
- motivation: aspires to enter the Guinness Book of Records for the number of calls answered
Jan Stuchlý
@email, tel: (+420) 224 436 489
- graduate of Faculty of Mathematics And Physics, CU
- position: principal investigator
- hHas worked in France on optimising anti-tumour therapies
- interested in immunity reconstitution, game theory, mathematical programming and such
- motivation: enjoys his work
Daniela Kužílková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 477
- graduate of Faculty of Science, Charles University
- interested in mass cytometry in tumors
- works mainly with PC and flow and mass cytometry
- motivation: had been turned away at McDonald’s for the lack of qualification
Tereza Podolská
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 585
- graduate of the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Immunology
- position: PhD student
- interested in R and bioinformatic analysis of cytometric data
- motivation: CLIP is just the best. Also, it is well accessible by metro
Adéla Vávrová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 584
- graduate of the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, UCT Prague, Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- position: PhD student
- interested in studying leukemia by all types of cytometry
- motivation: can wear t-shirts with unicorns to work
Nino Palavandishvili
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 584
- graduate of Tbilisi State Medical University (Tbilisi, Georgia)
- position: PhD student
- interested in diagnostics of childhood hematological malignancies, minimal residual disease detection, mechanisms of resistance of novel therapies and everything connected to flow cytometry
- motivation: Here in CLIP I’m growing with the FLOW!
Petra Hadlová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 584
- graduate of Faculty of Science, Charles Univesity (Immunology)
- position: PhD student
- interested in primary immunodeficiencies, cell signalling a all types of cytometry
- motivation: at CLIP, a solution is found to every problem sooner or later
Daniel Thűrner
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 413
- graduate of Secondary Medical School, Kolín
- position: head lab technician
- his work is his hobby
- keeps the lab going smoothly; helps newcomers get oriented
- motivation: the well-being of CLIP
Pavla Luknárová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 413
- graduate of Masaryk Secondary School of Chemistry, Prague
- studies at Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University Of Life Sciences, Prague
- position: lab technician
- motivation: CLIP is fun!
Eliška Potůčková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 413
- graduate of the Pharmaceutical faculty, Charles University where she also got her PhD in Patobiochemistry and Xenobiochemistry
- position: lab technician
- she does what she can and sorts on a flow cytometer
- motivation: at CLIP she is never bored
Eva Svobodová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 413
- graduate of the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Immunology, PhD degree
- position: lab technician
- motivation: at CLIP they take on overqualified mothers
Barbora Mlnáříková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 413
- graduate of the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Virology
- position: lab technician
- motivation: chocolate fixes everything here
Sára Hejnicová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 487
- graduate of Faculty of Arts, Charles University
- assistant to grant projects in CLIP
- likes nice people around, if any
- motivation: even though she doesn't understand it at all, it's fascinating and it makes sense
Maternity/Parental leave
Kateřina Hrušková
- graduate of the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology UCT Prague
- position: lab technician
- interested in monitoring minimal residual disease
- works with qPCR, nucleic acid isolation
- motivation: gets enough sleep on her way from work
Martina Zwyrtková
- graduate of the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia
- position: researcher
- interested in HOX genes in leukaemias
- works with cell lines, qPCR and western blot
- motivation: when she starts singing people join in
Kristýna Králíková
- graduate of Faculty of Science, Charles University
- position: lab technician
- interested in monitoring minimal residual disease
- works with qPCR, nucleic acid isolation
- motivation: wanted to find out whether coffee is as necessary as other people claim
Danica Pechová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of Bioanalytical laboratory diagnostics in health care at Charles University in Hradec Králové
- position: lab technician
- interested in monitoring minimal residual disease in leukemias
- examines relevant fusion genes, works with qPCR, performs isolation of nucleic acids
- motivation: learning new skills at CLIP
Petra Komersová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 521
- graduate of Molecular Biology programme at Faculty of Science, Charles University
- position: lab technician
- interested in monitoring minimal residual disease in leukemias with Ig/TCR rearrangements or any MLL fusions
- motivation: wants to find out if CLIP is really as cool as the rumor has it
Justina Skořepová
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 584
- graduate of Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
- position: PhD student
- interested in BCR/ABL positive leukaemias
- works with qPCR and (sc)NGS
- She joined CLIP as she stands behind her motto "It is better never to discover something by research than never to cure someone as an MD"
Barbora Cabalková
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 477
- graduate of 2nd Faculty of Medicine, CU
- position: PhD student
- interested in leukemias with switch into monocytic lineage, sometimes without the switch as well
- works with PC and flow cytometry, occasionally these machines don´t work with her
- motivation: once she came to CLIP by accident and liked it here so much that she hasn´t left since
Maryna Vasylkivska
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 584
- graduate of National university of food technologies (Kyiv, Ukraine); did her PhD at University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
- position: researcher at CLIP
- interested in cell cancer metabolism, role of glutamate and other amino acids in L-asparaginase treatment
- works with cell lines, measuring of cellular stress response, metabolic assays and stable isotope tracing
- motivation: occasionally needs to take a break from playing videogames
Marta Rozumová
- graduate of Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
- position: lab technician
- motivation: she haunts it there
Kryštof Šeferna
@email, tel.: (+420) 224 436 583
- graduate of Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
- position: PhD student
- MD at Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology
- interested in rearrangement of antigen receptors, NGS, single-cell sequence & and how it all works
- he is in the lab because he got an offer he couldn't refuse
CLIP PhD graduates:
Aneta Skotnicová, Ph.D.
Marina Bakardjieva, Ph.D.
Natividad Alquézar Artieda, Ph.D.
Martina Bartošík-Fejtková, Ph.D.
Michael Svatoň, MD, Ph.D.
Kateřina Rejlová, Ph.D.
Julius Lukeš, MD, Ph.D.
Lucie Slámová, MD, Ph.D.
Violeta Bakardjieva-Mihaylova, Ph.D.
Olga Zimmermannová, MD, Ph.D.
Ondřej Pelák, MD, Ph.D.
Ivana Heřmanová, Ph.D.
Michaela Biehl (Kotrová), MD,Ph.D.
Jana Volejníková, MD, Ph.D.
Michal Zápotocký, MD, Ph.D.
Karel Švojgr, MD, Ph.D.
Jozef Madžo, Ph.D.
Ondřej Krejčí, MD, Ph.D.
Lucie Šrámková, MD, Ph.D.
CLIP MSc graduates:
Kateřina Mužíková
Markéta Šimčíková
Alena Jelínková
Alena Musilová
Vendula Šinkorová
Felicita Garcia N'Dua
David Novák